Trust  Center

Prioritizing Data Security at Every Step

We secure your data at every step with our robust security protocols.

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IP Author Keeps Your Data Safe And Secure At Every Stage


At IP Author, your data security is our top priority. We adhere to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and NIST 800-53 Moderate standards to ensure our platform is safe and secure. Our security program integrates both governance and technical controls to ensure the protection and continuous monitoring of our systems, information, and software, providing you with a secure and reliable environment.

Zero data retention

Our Zero Data retention policy  ensures that IP Author uses private servers and a zero-retention API, ensuring OpenAI cannot view, store, or use your data for training beyond processing the request

Data Protection

All data within IP Author systems is encrypted during transfer and storage. We utilize industry-standard TLS protocols to secure data during transit and implement symmetric encryption to safeguard stored data, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access.

Ensuring Robust Security

IP Author partners with external experts to rigorously assess our security program. Key components of our strategy include regular security audits, penetration tests, and comprehensive reviews of our policies and other threat mitigation activities

Our Certifications & Standards

IP Author adheres to top data security practices and holds all major certifications for our security frameworks.