In the fast-paced field of intellectual property, efficiency is crucial. Traditional prior art searches can be time-consuming, but advancements in AI technology have significantly streamlined the process. This article explains how to perform a rapid patent prior art search within two minutes using AI tools like IP Author, which sources references from both patent literature and non-patent literature (NPL).

Leveraging Gen AI for Rapid Prior Art Searches

Gen AI-based LLM tools have revolutionized prior art searches by rapidly analyzing vast amounts of data across multiple jurisdictions and literature types.

Step 1: Prepare Patent Information

Gather the details of the patent you wish to search. For example, consider patent CN107719470B, related to autonomous vehicle steering mechanisms.

Abstract ExcerptA method for performing autonomous operation of a vehicle…

Step 2: Access the Gen AI Prior Art Search Tool

Navigate to the IP Author platform or a similar AI-based patent search tool.

Step 3: Input Patent Details

  • Enter the Abstract or Description: Paste the abstract or a detailed description of the patent.
  • Set the Priority Date: Specify the priority date (e.g., January 1, 2016).
  • Select Jurisdictions: Choose US and EP patents to focus the search.
  • Include Non-Patent Literature: Enable the option to search NPL sources.

Initiate the search. The Gen AI tool will process the information, scanning patent databases and NPL repositories to identify relevant prior art.

Step 5: Review and Analyze Results

Within two minutes, the tool will provide a list of pertinent prior art references, including both patents and non-patent literature predating the priority date.

Note: While specific outputs are assumed here, the tool typically offers detailed summaries and links to the prior art documents for comprehensive analysis.