
Patent drafting using generative AI

For patent law firms and corporate patent teams.

Claims Generation

Generate patent claims seamlessly

Access factual patent prior art references for a comprehensive review, eliminating any room for uncertainty. Powered by Dolcera PCS, the patent search engine trusted by leading industry giants such as Qualcomm, Microsoft, Google, and other Fortune 500 organizations.

Generate concise background and description of the invention

Don't spend weeks to file your patent provisionals. Instead, prepare them in just a few hours of work here.

IP Author Description
IP Author Priorart

Prior art references in your workflow

Unlock the power of prior art references from Dolcera PCS, the patent search engine that empowers you to swiftly analyze prior art and modify your patent draft application within minutes.

Our Clients


EARLY BIRD OFFER(Per user, per month)$499

  •  Unlimited Inventions
  •  Includes Prior Art Module